Thursday 8 January 2015

A Wet Minsmere and a Brighter Orford

I spent the first part of today (Thursday) at Island Mere Minsmere sheltering from the pouring rain, it was brighten up with a Kingfisher and a pair of Bearded Tits!


I was driving home from Minsmere when I scanned the sky, thought I think it my brighten up, so headed to Orford to see if the Short Eared Owl's would come out to play, I was not disappointed the sun came out and three SEO's were hunting!!



  1. Happy new year! Stunning photos, as ever. We saw our first Minsmere Bearded Tits last year ... and are hoping for more Suffolk sightings. Wondering when we may (possibly) see Waxwings ...

  2. May you have. Great New Year, looks like a bad year for Waxwings !!!!
